Small steps to break "AN IRON WALL"

Welcome to my world, which is being constructed in small steps. I believe in small pous (feet),  they play a key role in making the foundation much firm. Yes, small steps can make a lot of difference in every chore we do in our day-to-day lives.

Break it and Make it!

Break it into small bits so that you can do a chore with your heart at it 100 percent effectively, the result may not be visible immediately, but you can see the growth in you after some days, months, or years. Let me give an example that caught my eye in one of the books I read. We know that exercise for one hour in a day is good for health right! But giving a lot of stress to your body parts for one hour and thereafter remaining hours in a day most of us will spend doing our chores like office work or playing games on mobile or reading etc,. by sitting at a single place. Do you think it is good for your health? I can say, it is good for our health if we consistently to do exercise daily and manage our sitting posture, but what if we fail to do it regularly?  Moreover, we lose interest to do gym or exercising at some point in time. Again a lot of cholesterol will be welcomed into our bodies, which leads to lots of side effects and fat-related problems. Finally, unnecessary cholesterol in our blood can put stress on our hearts, and most of the people are losing their lives.

 What if, 5 minutes walk every hour help your body?

  Does 5 min walk make any sense?

Yes !! 5 minutes walk can make wonders,  it can reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, a build-up of plaque in the arteries, and reduces stroke risk. Other benefits are - it can help a person to stay focused on work, gives relaxation to the body, improves digestion, regulates blood pressure, and improves circulation.

Break your time into 5 minutes per hour to walk, and make your body healthy without keeping lots of weight on your body.

Here IRON WALL  can be your dreams, goals, or aspirations. Small steps are the little things we do consistently to get them.



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