Make A Difference - MAD

MAD - Word used by most of the youth as Make A Difference.
What is MAD?
Why MAD?
How to MAD? 
Do you want to amaze people with your MAD strategy? 
Ain't you eager to know about your type of MAD things? 
So many questions floating in your mind. Now in a few seconds, you will get to know about keys to open all your locks.

What is MAD?

MAD  is nothing but, being important with your own thoughts or ideas or strategies in some way.
Why MAD?

Everyone has the desire to have focus light on them, to be valued for their words, thoughts, and actions, and to be heard.. positively heard of their name... Making a difference  makes us feel like 'We matter'
in the chock-full world with competitors. It makes us feel validated. It makes us feel we are important.

How to MAD?

- Share a smile with everyone you meet which makes hearts connected.
- Plant something that is great and gives away to nature.
- Do any activity with mindfulness.
- Be sustainable
- Be patient
- Be thankful for everything you have.
- Respect everyone
- Be open to all opportunities and get involved in them.
- Keep away greed, anger, and ignorance.

These are the values that make us different from others. Values play a key role in making MAD. 




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