Dear 2023

Dearest 2023,

On this day I want to hug you for all the memories, first-time experiences, and Inspiring lessons you gave me. This last day of the year is not just the end; it's a joyous beginning for many more exciting things. It's an empty canvas, waiting for me to paint the whole sheets with more colorful memories.

Okay, let me rewind....

Before writing this blog, I have gone through all the photos of the year,  rewinding the phase 2023. Here are a few pages from the phase.

Chapter One: Grateful for MEMORIES

Starting with early morning walks with a friend of mine, I am grateful for those real and heartful walks on university roads with a bunch of my friends. And evening walks after dinner to the arts college were just embracing and sometimes we walked to the other side for City Wok where we generally go for dinner. And the next one was watching a movie with my cousins (night show), the funny thing about this day is we expected one movie, after going into the theatre it was a big shock, we couldn't resist our laughs after the movie for the sudden surprise on-screen and riding back to home on bikes is just another amazing experience and watching a movie with my family after many years, but this time my Anna missed it. I can cherish these movie experiences with my loved ones for my lifetime. Visiting Charminar and nearby Majid, and spending some quality time over there peacefully is another page I never want to fade. Some quality evenings in the Hostel lounge area with yellow flowers on trees, birds, and blooming trees in the spring season, and eating some snacks from the corner koka shop in the hostel area is another memorable page. Another page of my favorite phase is a friend of mine who came to my home and stayed here for a few days. She is the first friend who spent some days at my home. And I surprised my other friend on her birthday This experience is just Aww for our lifetime. Drew some amazing drawings this year. The most important page is Graduating this year and Got to spend some quality time with my family. I am GRATEFUL for all these memories.

Chapter Two: First-Time Things

There are many first-time things, there are the things I  carried to some extent and procrastinated, some are carried till date. Learning Table-tennis is the first-time thing, went to the sports lounge to play few games, at the end of the day I made really good connections there while playing table-tennis, carroms, Badminton. And another First-thing is I tried to push my urge to do hair-cut for my personal glow-up, What do you think, do you think I  have succeeded in it?

Yes, you guessed it right!

I did my haircut in the saloon for the first time, Guess what, I am in love with that hairstyle to date.

Going for a walk in the mornings has been there on my bucket list since my childhood, and finally.....

I started going for walks. Those are some of the memorable days in university life, walked a few kilometers a day in university for different reasons. At the end of the day, I loved it. I tried to jog but Some insecure things dominated my urge towards jogging. Hoping to do so in the coming days, taking one step at a time.

For the first time, I received a few big little gifts from my buddies. There are some days, where we did stunts with the watchman for coming late from the exhibition. That was stupid yet remained in our hearts as a thrilling experience for a lifetime.

Chapter Three: The REAL Celebrations

The First Celebration is my birthday, this year celebrated with unexpected friends. Those people have my heart for making my day more special with their presence. The best birthday gift I received is my friend taught me to drive a scooty, Guess what, I did it. Ever grateful

Silver jubilee anniversary celebrations of my Amma-Nanna were just unexpected grand celebrations. Grateful that things fell into place to make the event successful, this was our first event as children we handled. Ever grateful for this year for giving me a good lifetime memory.

GRADUATION is one of my most important occasions celebrated this year.

Coming to a few lessons I learned,

There were days when nothing went as per my plan, I didn't achieve some of my goals, procrastinated, didn't meet some deadlines set for myself, got ill,  didn't work hard enough, didn't get the expected results... but surprisingly I achieved some of the things that I didn't expect to happen this year, started reading books, built some good habits, started making some good connections, got inspired from people I followed this year.

I wonder that sometimes it's much better when things don't fall into place, maybe that's not our path to go forward. Made some good relations, met some amazing humans in and out, met real faces, left some unhealthy relations, and decluttered fake faces. I stood up for myself in everything I did.

Finally, I got some time to analyze myself and spent some good alone time. 

THANK YOU ! for everything you gave me in 2023, I love you and I miss you

So here's me, biding goodbye to this year with clarity over some things, confused over a few things, fighting over fears, excited for new things, and ready to face everything in my way of personal call. 

Can't wait to welcome the new canvas to pour my efforts to paint it beautifully,

Happy New Year!



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