Way To Sustainable Living

Everyday atleast once I think of sustainable living. How crucial it is, to follow it. When I buy something new, or see something new, I always think about how it is useful to us and how it comes and how it leaves the earth after the use. I think this single thought of " How it comes and How it leaves", can help us know to what extent we are polluting and to what extent we are thinking about sustainability of resources for our upcoming generations

As a basic thing, let us consider a example of person and the things he use in his daily life.
Starting with morning needs, he need brush to brush the teeth, water, bucket, mug. For every two or three weeks he changes his brush and bring new one. Same with bucket , mug, clothes, ornaments etc.,we bring new things once they get old. 
 -Do you think where does it go after we use?
 -Are you conscious about their elimination from nature?
 -Don't you think we are making a pile of the things?
 -Do you know  about their decomposing nature, like how many days it takes to decompose completely?

              I think we are just making a pile of used things on the earth. We are degrading the soil with their dumping. 

      As a first step to sustainable living,  Small steps by every individual can bring lot of difference in the way of living. I hope these questions  in mind can rise consciousness when you buy or touch a thing in your day-to-day life,
>What is the use of it?
>How it enters into our environment?
>How it leaves our environment?

Conscious Choices with CONSCIOUS THOUGHTS
1. Say NO to plastics covers, Use cloth bags when you go out.
2. Repeat the clothes
3. Carry a plate and cup wherever you go, this little things can save earth from waste you generate by using plastic plate and cup you buy.
4. Recycle the plastic you use.
5. Try to make compost out of vegetative waste at home.
6. Don't through the plastic wrappers, bottles on roads instead try to through it nearby bins.
7. Carry a tote bag wherever you go.

Making conscious choices are the kaizen steps to the sustainable living. These are few of my conscious choices, I stick to these choices. 

                                         WHAT ABOUT YOU?


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